AI Advances and Job Losses: Are Layoffs on the Horizon for Turnitin?

Concerns Over Job Losses Due to AI Advances Are Widespread, But Very Few CEOs Admit it Will Reduce Headcount

Turnitin laid off employees earlier this year following the CEO’s prediction that AI would enable them to reduce the workforce.

People worry that advances in AI will lead to job losses, but rarely does a company’s CEO openly admit that AI will help to reduce their headcount. Well, get ready for some honesty – Turnitin, the plagiarism detection company, has recently confirmed a small set of layoffs. This is particularly interesting because last year, CEO Chris Caren stated that AI would enable Turnitin to reduce 20% of its headcount within 18 months. So, what does this mean for the future of jobs at Turnitin?

The Layoffs

Earlier this year, Turnitin laid off approximately 15 employees as part of broader organizational changes. While this is not the 20% reduction initially forecasted by Caren, it still raises questions about the impact AI is having on the company. With over 900 employees at Turnitin, according to LinkedIn and Pitchbook data, these layoffs may just be the beginning.

Caren’s Earlier Warning

During an event in 2023, Chris Caren discussed the effect of AI on the job market and specifically mentioned Turnitin’s future workforce. He stated that in 18 months, the company would need only 20% of its current number of engineers. Furthermore, he suggested that the company could hire more people directly out of high school instead of relying on four-year college graduates. These comments shed light on Caren’s vision for Turnitin’s workforce transformation.

The Power of AI in Education

Turnitin’s software utilizes machine learning and AI to detect plagiarism in students’ writing. It is widely used in schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions, and it has partnerships with platforms like Coursera and Blackboard. While its impact on academia is undeniable, the potential reduction in workforce raises concerns about the implications for employees in the education sector.

AI Replacing Workers: A Trend?

The news of Turnitin’s layoffs comes on the heels of Klarna’s announcement that their AI Assistant is capable of performing the job of 700 workers. This revelation startled the industry, sparking debates about the future of human employment in the face of advancing AI technologies. It is important to note that Klarna clarified that the workers being replaced by AI were hired from outsourcing firms, not direct employees. However, the underlying implications remain.

What Does Turnitin Have to Say?

In response to inquiries, Turnitin confirmed the layoffs but did not disclose the exact number. Their statement outlined their decision to make organizational changes that align with their business strategy, streamline processes, and enhance customer focus. They expressed gratitude for the contributions of those affected and conveyed that they provided transitional support. However, they declined to comment further, respecting the privacy of the individuals involved.

Q&A: What You May Want to Know

Q: How will AI affect the job market in the long run? A: While some jobs may be at risk, new opportunities are also emerging. AI has the potential to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on higher-level work. The job market will likely undergo significant transformations, creating a demand for new skill sets.

Q: Will AI completely replace human employees in the education sector? A: It is unlikely that AI will completely replace human employees in the education sector. While AI can enhance processes like plagiarism detection, human input and expertise are still crucial for guiding students, providing support, and fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

Q: What steps can individuals take to adapt to the changing job market influenced by AI? A: Continuous learning and upskilling are key in adapting to a changing job market. Embracing technology and developing skills that complement AI, such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, can help individuals remain competitive.

The Future of AI in the Workforce

The layoffs at Turnitin and Klarna’s announcement highlight the impact that AI is already having on the workforce. As AI technologies continue to advance, it is likely that more companies will explore ways to leverage them for increased efficiency and cost savings. However, it is vital to remember that AI is not a threat to jobs as much as it is a catalyst for transformation. It opens up opportunities for humans to engage in more meaningful and intellectually stimulating work.

In conclusion, Turnitin’s recent layoffs serve as a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of the job market and the increasing role AI is playing. While job losses may be a concern, it is equally crucial to recognize the new horizons and possibilities that AI can offer. As we navigate this technological era, adapting and harnessing the power of AI will be essential for staying relevant and thriving.


  1. Turnitin CEO Chris Caren’s warning
  2. Klarna’s AI Assistant
  3. Turnitin’s partnerships