Is Twitter/X’s Lawsuit against Media Matters Really “Thermonuclear”?

Twitter / X Admits to Displaying Nazi Content with Apple Ads. Why is it Now Taking Legal Action?

Twitter/X confirms Nazi content and Apple ads coexist, but Twitter sues. Why?

Twitter/X is in hot water once again, but this time they’re not just facing the wrath of tech fans who are tired of their questionable practices. They’re taking on media watchdog group Media Matters in a lawsuit that could have serious consequences for the platform. And they’re not going down without a fight.

It all started when Media Matters released a report exposing Twitter/X for displaying major companies’ ads alongside Nazi content. This damning revelation came shortly after Twitter/X owner Elon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic conspiracy, causing huge advertisers like Apple and Disney to flee in horror. The situation quickly escalated, with Twitter/X filing a lawsuit against Media Matters, accusing them of manufacturing screenshots to deliberately damage their reputation and drive away advertisers.

Elon Musk, never one to shy away from drama, took to Twitter/X to announce the impending “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters and all those who colluded in the fraudulent attack. But is this lawsuit really as explosive as Musk claims?

According to Twitter/X, Media Matters did indeed see major advertisers’ posts next to white nationalist content. However, Twitter/X alleges that Media Matters employed tactics to bypass their ad filter for new users, enabling them to view more ads per hour than the average user. The platform also accused Media Matters of excessively scrolling and refreshing their feed to find more incriminating evidence.

Twitter/X is seeking damages and the removal of Media Matters’ report. However, the irony is not lost on us that this lawsuit is essentially drawing more attention to the very report Twitter/X wants to bury.

The lawsuit argues that Media Matters manipulated Twitter/X’s algorithm to produce “inorganic” and “rare” results. But this doesn’t change the fact that advertisers’ content and Nazi content were, in fact, shown side by side. It also raises questions about Twitter/X’s seemingly lax monitoring of profiles that produce extremist content, as some of these accounts are still active despite their offensive posts.

In an attempt to downplay the severity of the situation, Twitter/X’s CEO Linda Yaccarino claimed that hardly anyone saw the offensive ads, ignoring the fact that it happened at all. But advertisers are not so easily swayed. With Elon Musk’s recent controversial comments fueling the fire, companies like IBM, Warner Bros., and Paramount Global have suspended their ads on Twitter/X, seeking solace elsewhere.

This isn’t the first time Twitter/X has faced backlash for displaying ads on Nazi content. Brands like Gilead and NCTA – The Internet & Television Association pulled their ads after a previous Media Matters report highlighted the issue. It seems that Twitter/X’s attempt to make Media Matters the scapegoat for their advertiser-unfriendly policies and Musk’s inflammatory statements may not be enough to save face.

So, is Twitter/X’s lawsuit really the “thermonuclear” event Musk is making it out to be? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we can only hope for a resolution that will hold Twitter/X accountable for its actions and protect advertisers and users from such offensive and irresponsible practices.

What do you think about this lawsuit? Do you believe Twitter/X’s claims, or do you think they’re just searching for scapegoats? Let us know in the comments!