Are Spatial Videos the Future of XR? My Quest to Find Out 🚀👾

No Vision Pro Required! iPhone 15 Pro Users Can Transfer Spatial Videos to Meta's Affordable Headset. Here's Everything You Need to Make It Happen.

Watching Apple spatial videos on the Meta Quest 3? It’s a complicated process.

🎥👓 I’ve recently had the chance to dive into the world of spatial videos on the Meta Quest 3, and let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey. But before we start, let’s address the burning question: are we witnessing the future of XR? Well, let’s just say I haven’t exactly been blown away. 😅

But fear not, dear reader! In this article, I’ll take you through my experience and show you how to make spatial videos work on the more affordable Quest platform. We’ll explore the necessary hardware and software, and even have a little fun along the way. So, let’s dive in, shall we? 🤓

How to Watch Apple Spatial Videos on the Meta Quest 3 🎬

First off, let’s talk prerequisites. To embark on this spatial video adventure, you’ll need the following:

  • A Meta Quest headset (Quest Pro, Quest 2, Quest 3)
  • OS build v62 or higher (check out my article for tips on updating!)
  • An iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max (yes, you read that right)
  • Some spatial videos to play around with
  • The Meta app installed on your iPhone

Now, theoretically, you could get away with running the provided sample spatial videos, but trust me, it’s much more exciting to explore your own creations. And that’s where the iPhone 15 Pro comes into play. 📱

Uploading Spatial Videos from Your iPhone 🚀

Once you have your prerequisites in order, it’s time to have some fun with your iPhone. Bind your iPhone 15 Pro to your Quest 3, and voila! The missing upload icon magically appears. Tap it, select your spatial videos, and watch as they get processed for your Quest headset. It’s like sending a gift from one device to another! 🎁

Playing Spatial Videos on the Meta Quest 3 📺

Now comes the exciting part—watching your spatial videos on the Quest 3. Simply navigate to the Files icon on your Quest dashboard and locate the Spatial Videos tab. There you’ll find your videos, ready to be enjoyed. Just tap the one you want to watch, and let the show begin! 🎉

Now, I have to be honest with you. I did have a couple of qualms with the experience. First off, the video player interface could use a little love. It’s positioned slightly out of reach, like the menu board at McDonald’s that makes you strain your neck to see. 🍔😉

Plus, the depth perception of the videos didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Sure, there was a little bit of 3D effect when my pup took a treat from my wife’s hand, but overall, it fell a bit flat. But hey, don’t let that discourage you! I’m confident that as Apple refines their recording techniques and Meta improves the UI, the spatial video experience will only get better. 💪

The Future of Spatial Videos: Bright or Meh? 🔮

So, now that you know the ins and outs of watching spatial videos on the Meta Quest 3, you may be wondering if it’s worth the hype. And to be honest, I’m reserving judgment for now. Spatial videos have the potential to be a game-changer in the XR world, but right now, it’s more of a cool novelty than a mind-blowing experience. 🌌

But fear not, my friend! Technology marches forward, and I have no doubt that spatial videos will continue to improve over time. And hey, when my Vision Pro headset arrives, I’ll be sure to revisit these videos and see if they truly shine on the premium platform. 🚀

So, are you ready to dive into the spatial video realm? Have you tried it on your own Quest? Let me know in the comments below! And don’t forget to strap on your VR headset and come along for the ride. It’s a wild world out there in XR land! 🤩🌎

🎮👾 Follow me on Twitter: [@DavidGewirtz]( 📰📧 Subscribe to my newsletter on Substack. 💻📸 Check out my updates on Facebook and Instagram. 📺🎥 Let’s connect on YouTube.

Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions

Q: Can I watch spatial videos on other Meta Quest headsets besides Quest 3? A: Meta has mentioned that spatial videos should work on any Meta Quest headset, including Quest Pro and Quest 2. However, my personal experience was with the Quest 3. Give it a try and let me know!

Q: Why do I need an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max to upload spatial videos? A: It seems that the Meta app takes advantage of a spatial video API available only on the iPhone 15 Pro models. So, unfortunately, you’ll need one of those to fully enjoy the spatial video experience.

Q: How can I improve the depth perception of spatial videos on my Quest? A: While the current experience may not provide the most impressive depth perception, you can try getting closer by adjusting your body position. Remember, the technology is still evolving, and future updates might bring improvements to the overall experience.

📚 Further Reading:

  1. Meta Quest headsets now support spatial video playback – ahead of Vision Pro launch
  2. Apple Vision Pro: Preorder, Test, and the $3,500 Headset – TechCrunch
  3. 5 EVs That Qualify for Full Federal Tax Credit – 2024 – TechCrunch
  4. Who’s Afraid of VR? I Was – Until I Tried Meta Quest 3
  5. Get the Latest Quest 3 Updates Early: Here’s How to Enable Meta’s Public Test Feed

🖼️Image Source: Spatial Videos

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