Whistleblower Software Rebrands as Formalize and Expands into the Compliance Software Market

Whistleblower Software Rebrands as Formalize, Secures €15 Million for Expansion into Compliance Software

Whistleblower Software undergoes rebranding and expands into compliance with $16M | ENBLE

compliance software

Danish startup Whistleblower Software has made an exciting announcement – it is rebranding itself as Formalize and raising €15 million ($16 million) to fund its expansion into the broader compliance software market. This move comes at a time when the compliance software market is booming due to increasing regulatory pressure. Investors have taken notice, with private equity giant Thoma Bravo recently acquiring German compliance and investor relations software company EQS Group in a $435 million deal. Several startups, including Cypago, Hyperproof, Certa, and Anecdotes, have also secured significant venture funding for their compliance software initiatives.

Formalize aims to grab a larger slice of the $54 billion GRC (governance, risk, and compliance) pie. According to Formalize’s CEO Jakob Lilholm, the compliance software market is flourishing, driven by the robust regulatory agenda of the European Union. While compliance is beneficial for society, it can burden companies without efficient management tools.

Whistleblowing: Reporting Misdeeds with Confidence


Whistleblowing has played a significant role in some of the biggest news stories in recent years, from the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal to Tesla’s accident report revelations. However, many conscientious workers are deterred from reporting internal misdeeds due to fears of retaliation.

Formalize emerged in 2021 after Europe’s new whistleblowing directive took effect. This directive requires most larger companies to implement internal reporting systems, enabling whistleblowers to safely report corporate wrongdoings in confidence. Formalize helps companies meet this requirement by offering whistleblowing software that allows employees to file reports anonymously in writing. For those who prefer oral reporting, the software distorts the caller’s voice, ensuring their anonymity. Some of Formalize’s prominent customers include McDonald’s, Gap, and Dutch banking giant ABN-AMRO.

Moving Beyond Whistleblowing: Enter Compliance

Formalize initially raised a small $3 million seed round of funding 16 months ago. With an additional €15 million in the bank, the company is now embarking on a new endeavor – expanding beyond whistleblowing software to launch a compliance platform. This platform aims to “gather, structure, and automate” all the compliance work that companies are increasingly expected to engage in under GDPR data protection laws in Europe. It’s noteworthy to mention the NIS2 cybersecurity regulations, which came into force last January, with European member states given until October this year to transpose them into national law.

Each new law, such as GDPR or NIS2, requires time to implement and operate. Effectively managing regulations can be a business advantage in an evolving landscape of new legislation. Formalize’s new compliance system can be integrated with other systems such as CRMs or supplier databases, allowing companies to conduct risk assessments and incident reports from a single interface. It also facilitates mapping of data processing activities, policies, and GDPR procedures.

Formalize dashboard

The company’s expanded focus and ambitions have led to a rebranding, transitioning from Whistleblower Software to the all-encompassing name Formalize. According to Formalize’s co-founder and CTO Kristoffer Abell, data compliance and whistleblowing are primarily connected by the intention of the GDPR regulation. Whistleblowing helps companies detect non-compliance across various areas of ethics and compliance, while other compliance areas aim to define a new standard for organizational responsibility aligned with public interests.

To support their expansion, Formalize has successfully completed a €15 million Series A funding round with BlackFin Capital Partners as the lead investor and participation from West Hill Capital, the startup’s initial seed round investor.

Q&A Content

Q: Why has the compliance software market experienced significant growth recently?

The compliance software market has seen remarkable growth due to increasing regulatory pressure. Governments and regulatory bodies are imposing stricter guidelines and requirements on companies, necessitating the adoption of compliance solutions. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and reputational damage for businesses. Therefore, companies are investing in compliance software to manage and mitigate risks effectively.

Q: Apart from whistleblowing, how else does Formalize assist companies in their compliance efforts?

Formalize’s compliance platform goes beyond whistleblowing and offers a comprehensive solution for companies’ compliance needs. It helps businesses gather, structure, and automate compliance tasks, streamlining processes and ensuring adherence to regulations like GDPR and cybersecurity directives. The platform can integrate with other systems such as CRMs or supplier databases, enabling efficient risk assessments, incident reports, and mapping of data processing activities.

Q: How does Formalize ensure the anonymity of whistleblowers who choose to report orally?

Formalize’s whistleblowing software not only allows employees to file reports anonymously in writing, but it also distorts the caller’s voice for oral reporting. This ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of the whistleblower, eliminating fears of retaliation.

The Impact and Future of Compliance Software

The rapid growth of the compliance software market reflects the increasing importance of regulatory compliance in today’s business landscape. As regulations continue to evolve and become more stringent, companies will rely heavily on compliance software to navigate complex compliance requirements efficiently. The expansion into the compliance software sphere by companies like Formalize shows the market’s potential and the demand for innovative solutions.

In the future, we can expect compliance software to become even more advanced, incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate compliance processes further. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data, identify potential compliance issues, and suggest corrective actions. Compliance software will continue to evolve alongside regulatory changes, offering companies a competitive edge in managing complex compliance obligations.

Interact with me! What are your thoughts on the expansion of whistleblowing and compliance software? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for more exciting tech updates! 😉

Article Update

Due to the exploding compliance software market, Whistleblower Software has rebranded itself as Formalize and secured €15 million ($16 million) in funding to expand its offerings. The CEO of Formalize, Jakob Lilholm, emphasized the importance of efficient compliance management tools in alleviating the burden that regulations can place on businesses. The company initially gained recognition for its whistleblowing software, which allows anonymous and secure reporting of corporate wrongdoings. Notable clients such as McDonald’s, Gap, and ABN-AMRO have already benefited from Formalize’s services.


Building on its success, Formalize is now launching a compliance platform to address the growing need for effective compliance management. This platform aims to streamline various compliance processes, serving as a centralized solution for risk assessments, incident reporting, and GDPR data protection compliance. By integrating with existing systems, such as CRMs and supplier databases, companies can efficiently manage their compliance responsibilities in one user-friendly interface.

Formalize’s rebranding and expansion highlight the interconnectedness of data compliance and whistleblowing, both driven by the GDPR regulation. With the lead investor BlackFin Capital Partners and participation from West Hill Capital, Formalize’s Series A funding round has secured the resources needed to bring its expanded compliance offerings to market.

Q&A Content

Q: How can effective compliance management benefit businesses? Compliance management is essential for businesses to adhere to various regulations and avoid potential penalties. By investing in compliance software like Formalize’s platform, companies can streamline their compliance processes, minimize the risk of non-compliance, and demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices. This, in turn, enhances their reputation and builds trust with stakeholders and customers.

Q: What are the advantages of a centralized compliance platform? A centralized compliance platform, like the one offered by Formalize, provides several advantages. Firstly, it allows companies to consolidate their compliance-related tasks, reducing administrative burdens. Secondly, by integrating with other systems, the platform offers a holistic view of compliance across departments and systems. Finally, it simplifies reporting and auditing processes, facilitating compliance reviews and enabling companies to demonstrate their compliance efforts effectively.

The Future of Compliance Software and Its Impact

The rapid growth of the compliance software market demonstrates the increasing importance of effective compliance management in today’s business landscape. As regulations continue to evolve, companies will rely heavily on software solutions to ensure compliance, manage risks, and protect their reputation. Compliance software will become more advanced, employing technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate compliance processes and identify potential issues proactively.

With the expansion of Formalize and other players in the compliance software market, we can expect innovation and competition to drive continuous improvements in compliance management solutions. Companies that embrace these tools will not only comply with regulations but also gain a competitive advantage by mitigating risks and fostering a culture of ethics and accountability.

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