The Dilemma of Windows 10 PCs: To Trash or Not to Trash? 🗑️💻

Over 240 million Windows 10 computers are unable to upgrade to Windows 11. What options do users have?

Save your Windows 10 PC in 2025 – no cost! Here’s how.

Windows 10 on laptop

We all know that some perfectly good Windows 10 PCs can’t be upgraded to Windows 11. But did you know that Canalys Insights estimated there are 240 million Windows 10 PCs doomed to the trash heap because they can’t be upgraded to Windows 11 after Microsoft dumps Windows 10 support on October 14, 2025? Wow. That’s a lot. 😲

And, it may be worse than that. According to IT asset management firm Lansweeper, 40% of all enterprise workstations can’t make the upgrade, which would put the number of Windows 10 PCs counting the day to their death to about 400 million.

The Culprits: CPU and TPM 😩

Why? Well, it’s because many older Windows 10 machines don’t have the CPU or the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) needed for Windows 11. The TPM isn’t usually a problem, but if you have a PC from 2019 or earlier, the CPU is likely to be unsupported.

So, what’s a user to do when his or her Windows machine can’t make the grade? Let’s explore some options along with a fun and humorous Q&A to tackle the burning questions on everyone’s minds. 🔥🤔

Q: Can I keep running Windows 10 after October 14, 2025?

A: Absolutely not! That’s a one-way ticket to getting your machine hacked. You don’t want that, do you? 😱

Q: Should I just buy a new PC?

A: Well, that’s precisely what Microsoft and its hardware friends want you to do. They’re hoping you’ll buy a thousand or two, but they’ll gladly sell you just one or two as well. They’re not proud! 💸💻

Q: Is there any way to hack my way into installing Windows 11 on my unsupported PC?

A: While it’s a bit complicated, you could give it a shot. But be warned, Microsoft won’t support you if you decide to take this wild path. If you’re feeling adventurous, check out ENBLE’s resident Windows expert Ed Bott’s guide on upgrading an unsupported Windows 10 PC to Windows 11. It’s a thrilling journey! 🤫😉

Q: Can I switch to Linux instead?

A: Absolutely! Say goodbye to your soon-to-be-outdated Windows 10 and embrace the world of Linux. 🐧 Contrary to popular belief, Linux is not hard to use or install. In fact, even a 79-year-old managed to run Ubuntu Linux without a hitch. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our article on switching to Linux for everything you need to know! 💪

Q: But what about ChromeOS? Can I try that?

A: Of course! If Linux doesn’t tickle your fancy, ChromeOS might be the perfect fit. If you can use a web browser, you’re already halfway there! Thanks to the magical powers of ChromeOS Flex, you can transform any PC from the last decade into a ChromeOS wonderland. It’s remarkably simple! Read about my personal experience of upgrading a Dell Inspiron One 2320 with Windows 7 to ChromeOS Flex. It’s a breath of fresh air! 🌬️💻

Now, you might be wondering about those Windows applications you just can’t live without. Fret not! You can now run essentially any Windows app on Chromebooks with ease. Thanks to Cameyo and Google’s new Virtual App Delivery (VAD) service, legacy apps become Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on Chromebooks. It’s like magic! Even Microsoft uses this cloud-based approach to deliver applications.

And this isn’t just limited to Windows PCs. If you have an Intel-powered Apple Mac, you can also ditch the worries about Apple’s support and move your Mac to ChromeOS Flex. It’s truly a hassle-free experience!

But wait, there’s more! Both Linux and ChromeOS Flex won’t cost you a single dime. They’re free now and forever. How great is that? 💸🌈

Now, you might be tempted to go for Microsoft’s Extended Security Updates (ESUs) for Windows 10. But hey, let’s be honest, Microsoft has been rather vague about the pricing. It could be a bargain or, well, let’s just say that it could get ugly. Remember the convoluted plans for Windows 7? It wasn’t fun! So why put yourself through the hassle again? 🤷‍♂️

But fear not, my friends! There’s always a way out. Companies like OPatch offer customized patches for out-of-service operating systems, including Windows 10. For a reasonable price of around $25 a year, they can provide the support you need.

So, don’t be so quick to trash your old Windows 10 PC! There are plenty of ways to breathe new life into them and keep them useful long after Microsoft has left them behind. Get creative, explore your options, and make the best choice for you! 💡🖥️

Reference List 📚

  1. Microsoft to offer extended support options for Windows 10 PCs at a price – Discover the extended support options Microsoft has in store for Windows 10 PCs.
  2. When Windows 10 support runs out, you have 5 options but only 2 are worth considering – Learn about the five options you have when Windows 10 support ends and which two are the most viable.
  3. Upgrading an unsupported Windows 10 PC to Windows 11 – Dive into the nitty-gritty of upgrading an unsupported Windows 10 PC to the coveted Windows 11.
  4. Move from your soon-to-be-outdated Windows 10 to Linux – Discover the freedom and simplicity of moving from Windows 10 to Linux.
  5. These two Linux desktops are the simplest picks for new users – Get acquainted with two Linux desktops that are perfect for beginners.

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