The Incredible World of Pokémon: A Real-Life Pokédex Created with AI

A YouTuber has developed a functional Pokédex using a camera, a 3D printer, and ChatGPT. It has the ability to scan and recognize Pokémon accurately.

A YouTuber created a functioning Pokédex using AI.


In a stroke of brilliance that would make even Professor Oak proud, an inventor has brought the beloved Pokédex to life using generative AI. YouTuber abe’s projects has crafted a fully functioning Pokédex utilizing a 3D printer, ChatGPT, and some electronic components. This remarkable invention is not only impressive from a technical standpoint but also evokes a powerful sense of nostalgia for fans of the iconic Pokémon franchise.

A Blast from the Past: What is a Pokédex?

To fully appreciate the genius behind this creation, we must first understand what a Pokédex represents in the world of Pokémon. In both the anime and games, the Pokédex is a device the protagonist uses to scan and identify Pokémon they encounter. It provides valuable information about each Pokémon, allowing trainers to better understand and strategize during battles.

The Birth of a Modern Pokédex

Abe’s undertaking involved recreating the distinctive red case of the Pokédex, diligently 3D printing each detail. However, he decided to deviate slightly from the anime’s vibrant color scheme, opting for a classic black and white screen reminiscent of a ’90s toy. This intentional design choice adds a dash of nostalgia, invoking childhood memories of tinkering with electronic gadgets.

Original Pokédex Image credit: Tiger

To ensure his Pokédex could identify Pokémon, Abe incorporated a small camera at the front of the device. This camera captures images, which are then paired with the power of ChatGPT and the Pokémon API to determine the creature being observed. Abe’s attention to detail goes even further, as he utilizes a tool called PlayHT to modify the AI-generated voice, perfectly replicating the sound and cadence of the Pokédex from the anime.

Overcoming Bugs: The Trainer’s Journey

While Abe’s journey in creating the real-life Pokédex was undoubtedly full of excitement, it was not without its fair share of obstacles. In his YouTube video, he highlights a few of the bugs he encountered along the way. Fragile miniature display screens threatened to derail his progress, with one breaking before the project’s completion. Additionally, there were multiple software bugs and crashes that had to be tackled head-on. However, with his resourcefulness and determination, Abe managed to overcome these challenges and emerge victorious.

One particularly fascinating issue surfaced as a mysterious ticking sound infiltrated the audio output of the Pokédex. Despite unable to trace the origin or cause of the sound, Abe was undeterred. With sheer determination, he dedicated himself to identifying the sound signature and manually coding a fix. This tenacity and problem-solving spirit exemplify the essence of being a true Pokémon trainer!

The Video: A Must-Watch for Pokémon Enthusiasts

If you find yourself captivated by the world of Pokémon, or if personal electronics projects pique your interest, watching Abe’s video is an absolute must. You’ll witness the birth of a real-life Pokédex, created with love and fueled by nostalgia. Prepare to be amazed by the ingenuity and dedication required to bring this childhood dream to life.


About the Author

Ali Rees is a freelance writer based in the UK, specializing in gaming and technology. With a background in data analytics and digital marketing, Ali brings a unique perspective to their work. As the Gaming and Tech editor at Brig Newspaper and an avid gamer themselves, Ali is well-versed in the latest trends and developments in the industry. They also review short video games on their Substack and enjoy live streaming on Twitch. When not immersed in the world of technology, Ali can be found indulging in board games, live music, and of course, the companionship of their two feline friends.

Q&A – Unleashing the Poké-Nerd Within

Q: Are there any plans to make the real-life Pokédex available for purchase?

A: As of now, there is no official word on the availability of the real-life Pokédex for purchase. However, the creation of this nostalgia-inducing device opens up the possibility for future adaptations or similar projects. Keep an eye on the technological advancements in the Pokémon fandom; you never know what the future holds!

Q: Can the real-life Pokédex identify all Pokémon?

A: The real-life Pokédex created by Abe relies on the Pokémon API, which houses vast information about various Pokémon species. However, it’s important to note that the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the Pokémon identification may depend on the dataset used. If the Pokémon API includes details about all known Pokémon, then the real-life Pokédex should be able to identify them.

Q: How does AI technology contribute to the functionality of the Pokédex?

A: The AI technology employed in this project, specifically ChatGPT, plays a crucial role in interpreting the visual input captured by the camera. By utilizing deep learning algorithms, the AI processes these images and uses them in conjunction with the Pokémon API to identify the observed creatures, providing users with relevant information. It’s a testament to the advancement of AI in successfully blending virtual worlds with our everyday lives.

Q: What other creative applications can we expect to see using generative AI technology?

A: The creation of a real-life Pokédex is just one example of how generative AI can be utilized to bring fictional concepts to life. The possibilities are endless! From interactive replicas of sci-fi gadgets to virtual assistants with unique personalities, generative AI holds immense potential in reshaping our technological landscape. Who knows, we might soon see other beloved fictional devices become a reality!
