Zoom adds ChatGPT to help catch up on missed calls

Zoom adds ChatGPT to help catch up on missed calls

Zoom Introduces AI Companion to Enhance Productivity and Collaboration


Zoom, the popular video-calling app, has recently unveiled its latest addition – an AI Companion that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) from OpenAI and Meta. This tool is designed to enhance productivity, help with catching up on missed meetings, and provide quick responses to chat messages.

The AI Companion, as described by Zoom’s developer, aims to empower individuals by improving their efficiency, facilitating connections and collaborations with teammates, and assisting in skill enhancement. The app can summarize missed meeting discussions, suggest action points, and highlight important topics. Additionally, it can divide cloud recordings into more manageable chapters.

But that’s not all! Zoom has even more features in the pipeline. In September, the AI Companion will be able to assist with email writing and chat message summarization. And later in the fall, it will even suggest responses to text chats. Looking further ahead, the AI Companion is expected to help users find documents, file support tickets, and prepare for upcoming meetings based on live or past calls.

Now, while these enhancements sound exciting, it’s worth noting that Zoom has faced privacy concerns in the past. The company has been criticized for its misleading claims about end-to-end encryption and its use of emotion-detecting technology. Therefore, integrating a generative AI tool into sensitive calls could understandably raise privacy alarm bells for many users.

In response to these concerns, Zoom has emphasized that the AI Companion prioritizes user privacy. According to the company’s blog post, Zoom does not use any audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments, or other communication data to train its AI models. However, there was controversy in August 2023 when claims surfaced about Zoom’s data harvesting practices. Although Zoom clarified that it doesn’t use communications data for AI training, it remains unclear whether “service-generated data,” such as user telemetry and product usage data, is utilized for this purpose.

It’s worth mentioning that the AI Companion is currently available to premium users at no additional cost. Users with a paid Zoom account can take advantage of its features. Zoom has also stated that they will announce additional features in the coming weeks, further enhancing the capabilities of this AI-powered assistant.


In conclusion, Zoom’s AI Companion is an exciting development aimed at improving productivity and collaboration. With its ability to summarize meetings, suggest action points, and provide quick responses to chats, the AI Companion promises to enhance efficiency for Zoom users. However, concerns about privacy still linger, and it remains essential for Zoom to ensure transparent data usage policies to maintain user trust. As Zoom continues to roll out updates and additional features for the AI Companion, it will be interesting to see how this integration of AI technology shapes the future of online collaborations.